Sunday, 7 December 2008

Teenage Hackers

Computer Security professionals have found many net forums where teenagers populate and swap credit card number, give each other phising kits and hacking tips. Security say that they will be caught and arrested.

Forums are firstly made with people sharing files and even sharing stolen data. Some people look for exploits and virus codes that can be run against social network sites where there are many young people.

Though teenagers have been said to creating virus' and hacking, experts say they have very poor IT skills, "They do not even know enough to get a simple phishing or attack tool right," said Kevin Hogan.

Many of the hackers post what they have done on sites such as youtube and sign on like they would if they were going to hack a site, by running a phishing attack or writing a web exploit.
Some are even stupid enough to leave their personal details, making it really easy for computer security's to track them and shut them down.

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